Example Evaluation Rubric

Evaluation Question: How effective have our core technology competencies (word processor, spreadsheet, Netscape, and email) been in helping the professional staff do things that they could not have done otherwise?

Indicator: The achievement of core technology competency skills has helped the professional staff increase efficiency, productivity and collaboration.

Level 1 (starting to fulfill the goal)

District teachers have been exposed to the core technology applications and use some of them occasionally for personal/professional productivity. Teachers seldom communicate using technology.


Level 2 (somewhat fulfilling the goal)

District teachers have begun to use some core technology applications regularly for personal or professional productivity. Teachers occasionally communicate using technology.


Level 3 (near fulfillment of the goal)

District teachers have become proficient using core technology applications for personal/professional productivity. Teachers frequently communicate with other professionals within their building.


Level 4 (fulfillment of the goal)

District teachers use core technology applications for their own personal/professional productivity, but have not applied their skills to direct student instruction. Teachers routinely communicate for professional purposes using technology with other professionals within the school district .


Level 5 (ultimate achievement, wow)

District teachers have moved beyond using the identified applications as personal productivity tools and are extending the benefits of these skills toward lesson delivery/student instruction. Teachers routinely communicate using technology with other professionals outside the school district to expand their classroom curriculum projects.


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