
Strategic Planning is the natural consequence of a Technology Program Review.  A strategic plan is essentially the roadmap a district develops for moving ahead of its current status (as established by the Program Review findings) by implementing its vision for teaching and learning.   An effective Strategic Technology Plan is about teaching and learning and the role that technology can play in supporting teaching and learning.

This page contains a sample technology plan and resources for developing a plan of your own.

Sun Associates works with school districts and other educational organizations to create strategic technology plans centered around a vision that emphasizes creating and implementing a 21st century learning environment for teaching and learning. While every plan is unique, all of the plans we facilitate have the following characteristics:

We believe the plans we help produce are but interim products of a process that brings together educational communities in a highly collaborative, reflective, process. Ultimately, it is the process of planning that is as significant to the district as the actual plan document. A properly executed planning process is one that allows district communities to come to consensus around important issues of teaching and learning...and the technology necessary to address those issues.

The following resources have been helpful in the planning process for a number of our district clients. Please contact us for more information.


Information on this site that has been produced by Sun Associates is Copyright 1997 - 2015 Sun Associates and is available for individual, one-time, use by educators. Duplication is prohibited without permission. All other material is the property of its authors and Sun Associates makes no warranty for its use or accuracy.

Last updated, April 14, 2019